Stan’s Corner, Friday, October 21, 2011
Once again from Paul Tillich:“We spread Christ’s call because it is the call to every person in every period to receive the New Being, that hidden saving power in our existence, which takes from us labor and burden, and gives rest to our souls.”
My response from Al-Anon’s third step: “I made the decision to turn my life and my will over to the care of God, as I understand Him.” (and this brings a New Being to my life.)
My further response: I thank God for all the times that I have been able to turn my life over to a caring God, finding His Victory and His Power, His Peace and His Happiness, above my successes and failures, and sometimes in spite of them. I can remember when I have experienced islands of peace in the midst of a sea of turmoil. (Further examples of the presence of a New Being in the texture of my life.)